1921 Chicago Cardinals

Head Coach: *Paddy Driscoll
  • To be listed, a player must have played at least one game for the team during this season.
  • * Hall of Fame
  • + Primary starter

Pos#PlayerGPGSStart PosExpDOBHtWtCollege
BB/WBNorm Barry3112/25/1897' "Notre Dame
FBPing Bodie1105/10/1897' " none
G/TWillis Brennan6202/1894' " none
G/CGarland Buckeye5210/16/1897' " none
GLeon Chappell1212/24/1896' " none
WB/DBHarry Curran1206/02/1894' " none
TB/HB/FB/QB*Paddy Driscoll8201/11/1895' "Northwestern
E/WB/BB Egan12' "DePaul
TFred Gillies8212/09/1895' "Cornell
BB/WB/FBBernie Halstrom5204/18/1895' "Illinois
BB/FB/TBArnie Horween3107/07/1898' "Harvard
FB/WB/BB/TBRalph Horween2108/03/1896' "Harvard
C/TCharlie Knight4210/01/1899' "Northwestern
FB/WBBob Koehler8204/07/1894' "Northwestern
EPaul LaRosa221890' " none
ERube Marquardt3103/07/1898' "Illinois
C/T/E/G/FBNick McInerney62' " none
ERed O'Connor52' "DePaul
WB/BB/E/FBEarl Potteiger1201/11/1891' "Ursinus
C/T/GFrank Rydzewski8206/01/1892' "Notre Dame
ELenny Sachs8208/07/1897' "American College of Physical Education
TB/WBJohn Scanlon411900' "DePaul
WB/BBPete Steger6111/1896' " none
G/C/BBWalter Voight1204/15/1895' " none
GClyde Zoia8205/1896' "Notre Dame

Generated: 02/08/2015
Football Site Owner: John Troan