1940 Detroit Lions

Head Coach: Potsy Clark
  • To be listed, a player must have played at least one game for the team during this season.
  • * Hall of Fame
  • + Primary starter

Pos#PlayerGPGSStart PosExpDOBHtWtCollege
BB/DB/LB/FBBill Callihan10105/15/1916' "Nebraska
C/LB/GTony Calvelli11207/16/1915' "Stanford
WB/DB/FBLloyd Cardwell10404/19/1913' "Nebraska
T/GClem Crabtree9111/11/1918' "Wake Forest
E/DEDave Diehl10209/29/1918' "Michigan State
G/LB/TBill Feldhaus11412/08/1912' "Cincinnati
E/DEBill Fisk10R11/05/1916' "Southern California
TTony Furst9102/26/1918' "Dayton
TJohnny Hackenbruck7R10/20/1915' "Oregon State
E/DEChuck Hanneman9409/26/1914' "Eastern Michigan
TJack Johnson11711/28/1909' "Utah
TSteve Maronic5205/30/1917' "North Carolina
E/DELes McDonald1409/19/1914' "Nebraska
BB/LBPaul Moore7101/23/1918' "Presbyterian
WB/DBJack Morlock4R04/07/1916' "Marshall
E/DEGlen Morris4106/08/1912' "Colorado State
E/DEButch Morse2512/05/1910' "Oregon
TB/DB/QBCotton Price9105/31/1918' "Texas A&M
GBill Radovich10306/24/1915' "Southern California
TBill Rogers7306/24/1913' "Villanova
E/DEStillman Rouse10R09/22/1917' "Missouri
HBRip Ryan10302/02/1915' "Utah State
FB/LB/TB/DBBill Shepherd3612/04/1911' "Western Michigan
TB/DBDwight Sloan11304/07/1914' "Arkansas
THarry Smith10R08/26/1918' "Southern California
GHarry Speelman4110/04/1916' "Michigan State
GCal Thomas8207/01/1915' "Tulsa
C/LBSam Tsoutsouvas3110/08/1917' "Oregon State
BB/LBFred Vanzo10301/08/1916' "Northwestern
FB/LBHowie Weiss11210/12/1917' "Wisconsin
TB/DB/HB/FBWhizzer White11206/08/1917' "Colorado
G/LBSocko Wiethe10210/17/1912' "Xavier (OH)
DEBob Winslow8R09/18/1916' "Southern California
C/LB*Alex Wojciechowicz11308/12/1915' "Fordham

Generated: 02/08/2015
Football Site Owner: John Troan