1921 Rock Island Independents

Head Coach: Frank Coughlin, *Jimmy Conzelman
  • To be listed, a player must have played at least one game for the team during this season.
  • * Hall of Fame
  • + Primary starter

Pos#PlayerGPGSStart PosExpDOBHtWtCollege
GDick Barker3101/06/1897' "Iowa State
FB/WB/BB/TBLane Bridgeford5108/11/1898' "Knox
FB/RBWalt Brindley2105/24/1895' "Drake
T/GWalt Buland621892' " none
BB/TB/HB/E*Jimmy Conzelman7203/06/1898' "Washington - St. Louis
TFrank Coughlin3103/1896' "Notre Dame
FBEddie Duggan3105/19/1891' "Notre Dame
C/T/GJug Earp6107/22/1897' "Monmouth
C/GFreeman Fitzgerald221891' "Notre Dame
FB/TB/WBBuck Gavin3206/22/1895' " none
G/C/THal Hanson6111/18/1895' "South Dakota
WB/FB/EJohn Hasbrouck3101/20/1895' "Rutgers
EDave Hayes311897' "Notre Dame
T/G/E*Ed Healey7212/28/1894' "Dartmouth
WB/TB/FB/BBJerry Johnson211895' "Morningside (IA)
GEmmett Keefe7204/28/1893' "Notre Dame
G/T/EDewey Lyle7203/23/1891' "Minnesota
WB/HB/E/TBGrover Malone3211/13/1895' "Notre Dame
FB/E/WB/TBJerry Mansfield12' " none
EBud Menefee711898' "Morningside (IA)
BBSid Nichols7204/15/1895' "Illinois
WB/FB/TB/BBEddie Novak7208/03/1897' " none
HBPaddy Quinn1202/05/1890' " none
E/FB/WBOke Smith7202/27/1894' "Drake
TBrick Travis5109/17/1897' "Missouri
FBViv Vanderloo3104/11/1897' "Iowa State
E/BBObe Wenig72' "Morningside (IA)

Generated: 02/08/2015
Football Site Owner: John Troan