1921 Columbus Panhandles

Head Coach: Ted Nesser
  • To be listed, a player must have played at least one game for the team during this season.
  • + Primary starter

Pos#PlayerGPGSStart PosExpDOBHtWtCollege
BB/TB/WBHarry Bliss9106/17/1897' "Ohio State
BB/EHal Gaulke4208/1894' " none
EMorris Glassman9102/19/1900' " none
E/TTed Hopkins3112/05/1890' " none
GBabe Houck7208/20/1897' " none
T/G/EOscar Kuehner721899' " none
T/GJoe Mulbarger821895' " none
G/FBTed Murtha211901' " none
TBCharlie Nesser911902' " none
FB/G/TFrank Nesser9206/03/1889' " none
T/E/FBFred Nesser7109/10/1887' " none
G/TJohn Nesser2104/25/1876' " none
G/T/WBPhil Nesser6212/10/1880' " none
C/T/GTed Nesser9204/05/1883' " none
FB/LBWalt Rogers1104/18/1893' "Ohio
WB/EEmmett Ruh7108/29/1893' "Davis & Elkins
E/WB/BB/FBHomer Ruh7209/19/1895' " none
GAl Shook2101/15/1898' " none
G/C/T/WBWill Waite7201/04/1893' " none
G/C/EOscar Wolford8203/14/1897' " none

Generated: 02/08/2015
Football Site Owner: John Troan