USS Kitty Hawk • NCC-1659  
Story: Final Mission (Ch 10 ⋅ Sec 53)   

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Table of Contents Kirk and Sulu hit the bridge exactly one minute and forty-five seconds after arriving on board. The first view they had was the huge space battle on the main viewer. The bridge was quiet, except for the standard chirp of the ship's systems.

Uhura was the first to notice the new arrivals and let out a yell of glee. "Admiral Kirk, Admiral Sulu, you're both safe!"

Immediately the rest of the bridge crew turned to see for themselves. DeSalle jumped out of his chair and was about to offer his congratulations when he remembered protocol, "Admiral on the bridge!" Then he grabbed Kirk's hand and began pumping furiously. "Welcome back, sir!"

The rest of the bridge crew began cheering and offering congratulations as well. During the process, Chekov and Rameriz arrived on the bridge and added to the welcomed bedlam.

Seeing a need going unfulfilled, Uhura turned back to her comm board. "Attention all hands, Admiral Kirk and Commander Rameriz are now safe aboard as are Admiral Sulu and Captain Chekov!"

Sulu was the first to recover from the celebration, pointing to the main viewer. "What's going on out there, Vince?"

DeSalle's broad grin vanished. "The Romulans are engaged in an all-out civil war. Another group of warships arrived, evidently revisionists. They've been engaged in combat ever since."

"That explains the hits on the palace," said Sulu.

"And losing Shaya-tar," added Kirk.

The joy of the bridge crew disappeared when the loss of their comrade was mentioned.

"It may also explain why we lost Spock and Saavik," Chekov said solemnly.

James Kirk went ashen white at the remark. "Spock and Saavik were killed?"

"We're not exactly sure, sir. We never had a confirmation, but both of their signals were lost." Bailey looked apologetic.

Hikaru explained, "That's why Chekov and I went to Romulus, we thought we might find them while rescuing you and the others."

"I'm glad you did." He thought for a moment. "Were there other attempts?" Kirk looked worried, even guilty.

Now the mood became very subdued and Uhura spoke in a gentle and conciliatory tone. "You see, sir, we made several attempts. Our first teams were evidently discovered and there was only one survivor out of a group of six."

Kyle continued, "Mister Spock thought he could succeed, due to additional information he learned from the survivor of the first rescue attempt."

"I see." Kirk was visibly shaken by the news he had just heard. He turned back to address Sulu. "Exactly how many people did we lose altogether?"

The C.O. reluctantly replied in a straight forward manner. "Five from Colonel Cee's team, Spock and Saavik, then planet side Shaya-tar, Rya and, I believe it was Blanchard who was in the stasis chamber that was destroyed; a total of ten, sir."

Shaking his head, Kirk spoke quietly. "Not much of a trade, ten for two."

Uhura was about to make a comment when the turbolift doors snapped open. McCoy and Chapel rushed out to greet Kirk, both grinning broadly. "Jim! You're okay! It's so good to see you again!"

Not wishing to dampen his old friend's spirit, Kirk switched his mood. "Bones, so help me you look good, even if you do look ancient!"

The two men gave each other a bear hug and then several slaps on the back.

"How are you feeling, Jim?" McCoy was now giving his old friend the once over.

"Once a doctor, always a doctor, right?" Kirk was amused at the concern for his health. He then noticed that Chapel was holding a medical tricorder and was taking a few quick readings. "Am I fit for duty, Chapel?"

Christine wasn't really sure. There were a few readings that were questionable, but it could wait. She put a small smile on her face. "So far, so good; it's nice to have you back, sir."

"It's good to be back," he replied.

"I hate to break this up, sir, but shouldn't we be getting out of harm's way?" DeSalle was indicating the main viewer's display of the Romulan civil war.

Sulu reacted immediately. Turning towards the navigator, he spoke. "Do we have an updated departure plot?"

Stiles sighed, "Aye, sir, thought you'd never ask."

Returning to the command chair, Sulu thumbed the all call on the ship's intercom. "All divisions make preparations to depart. We are leaving as soon as possible, Captain out!"

Kirk approached his old friend with just a bit of uncertainty. "Sulu are you sure? Shouldn't we wait... to be sure about Spock and Saavik?"

The commanding officer of the Enterprise smiled kindly at his friend. "Sir, we have already overstayed our planned mission. Added to that, we've been very lucky, considering the current state of Romulan affairs. Our losses so far, while not ideal, have been kept to a minimum. In view of the battle going on around us, it's just a matter of time before we start getting seriously hurt."

McCoy had been listening intently and added his observations. "Jim, Spock was the one who got this mission going in the first place. Starfleet almost scrubbed it because of the diplomatic corps. He's also the one who laid out the operational parameters and highest on the list of do's and don't's was to get in and out as quickly as possible. Now, as much as Spock and I disagreed on many issues, this is one time when he was right." McCoy paused when he saw the effect it was having, but added one more thought. "Anyway, he knew the risks, Jim... we all did; we're all volunteers."

Hikaru was looking at Kirk and waiting for his approval when the intercom whistled.

"Transporter to bridge; Admiral?"

"Sulu here, what is it Janice?"

"Sir, right after I brought up Chekov and Rameriz, I picked up one more set of very weak signals. I'm afraid I lost them though, the palace shield was reinstated too quickly."

Sitting forward in the command chair, Sulu's brow furrowed in thought. "Rand, were you able to identify the signals or the source?" Sulu's voice sounded very hopeful.

"The signals were weak but definitely Starfleet viridium transponders. I think it was Saavik and Spock; transporter, out!"

When the channel was broken, Sulu turned to Uhura. "Nyota, can you confirm?"

The look on her face said it all. "No, sir, sorry, my auto relays did not activate. But Janice may have picked up a reflected signal or one that was directed in a very narrow field. It's quite possible, considering the type of signal."

"Bones, does Spock still have his implant?"

"It was removed when he became a diplomat, but I put a new one just prior to his transporting to Romulus."

The former captive turned to Sulu, "It's possible that Spock and Saavik are still alive. Can we make one more orbit, to be sure?" When the ship's captain did not respond immediately, Kirk added a personal plea, "As a favor to me?"

Sulu smiled, "Of course, can I persuade you to give us a hand?"

McCoy cleared his throat, "First, three doctors are going to certify you and Rameriz fit for duty!"

Reacting dramatically, Rameriz complained, "Oh, no, not a Starfleet physical!"

Beaming, McCoy confirmed the Spaniard's worse fear. "That's correct, Commander, plus a few extra items to cover. Afterwards, I'll take care of the Romulan alterations on Sulu and Chekov... as soon as their duty shift ends!"

"You first, Miguel," Kirk said. "Remember, rank has its privileges."

Rameriz was just about to protest when McCoy took the man by the arm and led him to the turbolift with Chapel close behind. As McCoy entered the turbolift, he yelled back at Kirk. "I'll give you a call as soon as I finish with Rameriz."

"I can hardly wait." Kirk said as the doors closed.

The remaining crew laughed at Kirk's comment.

Turning to Bailey, Sulu surprised the man, "Let's throw caution to the wind; how about a few high energy scans. See if we can pick up anything."

"Yes, sir, I'll get on it right away!"

"Remember those frequency shifts, mister! Let's not put out a sign saying 'here we are!'"

Bailey acknowledged with a customary, "Aye, sir."

Leaning over the command chair, Kirk whispered to Sulu, "Can you spare me for a few minutes, I'd like to say hello to Scotty?"

The ship's C.O. nodded his approval, "I'll give you a call if I need you. By the way, you'll find a 'new' lieutenant working with Scotty. Be nice to him, he's a new recruit."

In Koord's quarters, Dar and Kef were ready to do battle with anyone, Koord just happened to be in the way.

"General," Dar began, "We cannot leave without doing something!"

Only grunting, Koord said nothing.

Kef joined in the argument. "Dar is right, we must act before the Feds leave Romulan space. We must find out what happened to the K'Chor'da and the crew."

Dar continued, "We have a bargaining tool, the silent stalker. We will tell the Feds that unless they let us act, we will withdraw the cloaking unit."

Koord finally spoke after listening to the two. "That was not part of the original bargain! We gave our word as Klingon warriors, we represent the Empire!"

"Exactly!" said Kef. "It's our responsibility to protect the Empire's interest. Our bargain was made with the Feds before we knew the Roms had one of our ships!"

"That bargain is now void!" Dar declared.

"Wrong!" yelled Koord, "And I will hear no more of it or the two of you will find yourself as military liaisons on Nimbus Three... or worse!"

Dar and Kef got quiet, at least for the moment.

© 2024 Brad McDonald / U.S.S. Kitty Hawk
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