USS Kitty Hawk • NCC-1659  
Story: Final Mission (Ch 9 ⋅ Sec 50)   

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Table of Contents The former captives were still not one hundred percent, but regardless, Chekov could not wait any longer. All of his security training and even his basic instincts told him that every minute they remained increased their risk of discovery. Sulu and he had told the guard an order to kill the captives had been given. The security group they had run into probably tried to confirm the order. Once they realized they had been lied to, they came to investigate. It was only a matter of time before others arrived.

While Sulu quickly briefed the captives on the communication and transport arrangements, Pavel checked his stunned victims. Nodding with satisfaction, he noted they were all still out cold and showed no sign of an imminent recovery.

Chekov looked at his tunic and smiled at the irony. Romulan blood on his attire would probably add to the deception. Now he was no longer just masquerading as a Romulan, but a wounded Romulan at that!

The deep thump of a distant explosion in the heart of the palace complex caused Chekov to refocus his thoughts. Sulu had just finished his lecture when a nervous James Kirk asked an important question, "When is the next scheduled contact?"

Hikaru checked his chrono and replied with less than enthusiastic response, "About forty minutes."

"And we're going to need every minute to get to our prearranged beam out point," Chekov added.

Kirk smiled, "Harder to find a moving target, too, right mister?"

"Also harder to hit one," Sulu added.

The small group began to move slowly among the assorted carnage in the corridor. It was evident from the way the former captives were moving that speed would not be one of their assets.

Chekov took the point followed closely by Rameriz.

Shaya-tar was about three paces behind the two lead men. He seemed to be gaining strength all the time, due undoubtedly to his stronger gene pool rather than willpower.

Kirk walked next to Sulu, who was acting as a rear guard. Sulu watched his friend. He, too, was getting stronger, but his strength was definitely from sheer determination. In a word, he looked terrible. Sulu was deeply concerned about his mentor surviving a prolonged hike, much less engaging in any form of combat.

After about ten minutes, they arrived at one of the main corridor junctions.

Pavel turned to ask Sulu a question, but opening his mouth was as far as he got.

A massive explosion rocked the palace at precisely this point and time. An entire section of the corridor collapsed all around them. Fragments from an infinite variety of building materials rained down from everywhere. Two large beams, which ran transversely along the main corridor, dropped like giant trees. As they fell, a number of smaller connecting supports were taken along for the ride along with artwork, light fixtures, furniture and everything else in the area.

Everybody dove for cover instinctively, but there was no time for Shaya-tar. Standing between two main support beams he was trapped, literally, between the proverbial rock and a hard place.

Sulu looked up just in time to see the Catian buried under a literal ton of marble, metal supports and wood carvings. The loss of Starfleet's Inspector General was disturbing enough, but Sulu also knew his familiar avenue of escape had just been blocked. Even worse, his party had been divided. Whatever plan he had was completely lost.

© 2024 Brad McDonald / U.S.S. Kitty Hawk
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