1921 Detroit Heralds

Head Coach: Bill Marshall
  • To be listed, a player must have played at least one game for the team during this season.
  • + Primary starter

Pos#PlayerGPGSStart PosExpDOBHtWtCollege
TB/FB/WBButch Brandau4112/05/1897' " none
GCharlie Carman6201/06/1897' "Vanderbilt
EWalt Clago6106/1899' "Detroit
TFrank Coughlin2103/1896' "Notre Dame
FBJerry DaPrato6101/14/1893' "Michigan State
T/GCy DeGree7107/07/1898' "Notre Dame
FBPat Dunne221888' " none
GMoose Gardner7207/02/1894' "Wisconsin
FB/TB/WBBuck Gavin3206/22/1895' " none
C/G/BBCharlie Guy7212/05/1896' "Washington & Jefferson
TSteamer Horning7211/15/1892' "Colgate
HBEarl Kreiger5108/31/1896' "Ohio
WB/TB/E/FBWaddy Kuehl6202/12/1897' "Dubuque
WB/EBlake Miller3205/03/1889' "Michigan State
WBEddie Moegle1107/11/1896' "Detroit
TB/WB/BBNorb Sacksteder7209/25/1895' "Christian Brothers
BBBill Stobbs7105/28/1896' "Washington & Jefferson
G/TDon Straw1211/22/1896' "Washington & Jefferson
E/TTillie Voss7103/28/1897' "Detroit Mercy
EVic Whitmarsh3103/1896' "Syracuse
G/CPryor Williams3112/26/1893' "Vanderbilt

Generated: 02/08/2015
Football Site Owner: John Troan