USS Kitty Hawk • NCC-1659  
Chapter Handbook   

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This is the preliminary Table of Contents for the Kitty Hawk Handbook. It is intended to change and evolve -- and everyone is welcome to comment. The yellow numbers indicate how many promotion points are earned for each section, subsection, etc.
Updated 202312.31

I. CO's Welcome Message (written by CO)

II. Table of Contents -- (automatically compiled)

III. Quick Reference

IV. U.S.S. Kitty Hawk (2)
   A. Logo -- CO has some text that can be used as a template for this
   B. Philosophy of Kitty Hawk -- start with the website home page
      first paragraph and go from there

V. Bylaws of Kitty Hawk
   A. Code of Conduct -- glance at SFI MHB for ideas (1)
   B. Senior Officers (1)
   C. Data Privary Policy -- brief summary of what's coming from CIO/CTO
      and DPO (1)
   D. Treasury
      1. PayPal Account (1)
         a. Name
         b. Access
      2. Donations (1)
         a. PayPal (CC or Transfer)
         b. Collection Jar (Trek trading cards)
      3. Disbursements (1)
         a. Proposals
         b. Voting
         c. Actions by Treasurer/Yeoman
   E. Ships Records -- what records are to be kept where and possibly by
      which individual(s), and also remembering how the DPP might limit how
      much can be public (2)
      1. Meeting Agenda/Notes
      2. Treasury Voting Results
      3. Individuals' Promotions / Awards
         a. Promotions
         b. STARFLEET / Regional / Chapter Awards
      4. Ship Awards / Milestones
         a. Events Attended
         b. Thank Yous/Acknowledgements
   F. Membership (2)
      1. Types
      2. Priveleges
      3. Restrictions

VI. Kitty Hawk Operations
   A. Organizational Structure
      1. Business Structure -- the business side of things and every position
         has a real function to it (1/2 each)
         a. Executive Board
         b. Board
         c. President (CO)
         d. Executive VP - Fleet (XO)
         e. Executive VP - MSG (OIC)
         f. VP - Fleet (2nd officer)
         g. VP - MSG (DOIC)
         h. Awards Officer
         i. CFO/Treasurer
         j. CIO/CTO (Comp Ops)
         k. DPO
         l. Newsletter Editor
         m. Newsletter Publisher
         n. Personnel Yeoman
         o. Social Media Officer
         p. Webmaster
      2. Fandom Structure -- the "fun" side of things (with some of these
         connecting to corresponding Business positions), just as if we were
         in the Trekverse; CO will help get started with these (1/2 each)
         a. CO
         b. XO
         c. MSG OIC
         d. 2nd Officer
         e. MSG DOIC
         f. Communications
         g. Computer Operations
         h. Engineering
         i. Helm
         j. Medical
         k. Operations
         l. Recruiting
         m. Security
         n. Science
         o. Yeoman
            i.  Finance
            ii. Personnel
      3. General Crew (3)
         a. Fleet Members
         b. MSG Members
         c. Department Assignments
   B. Rank and Promotion System (will be done by CO) (6)
      1. Ranks
         a. Enlisted
         b. Officers
      2. Promotions
         a. Enlisted (E-1 to E-9)
         b. Officers
            i.   Up to O-5 (Commander / Lt. Colonel)
            ii.  O-6 (Captain / Colonel)
            iii. O-7 to O-12 (Fleet Captain / Brigadier to Fleet Admiral)
      3. Earning Points
         a. Per-Month
         b. Per-Task/Event
   C. Uniforms  (1)
      1. Official Wardrobe
      2. Insignias
      3. Department Colors
      4. Show By Era
   D. STARFLEET Membership Number (1/2)
   E. STARFLEET Membership Card (1/2)
   F. Meetings (1)
      1. Monthly Meetings
         a. Regular Meetings
         b. Potlucks/Holidays
      2. Special Events
         a. Volunteer Activities
         b. Anniversary Dinners
         c. Game Nights
   G. Newsletters (3)
      1. Kitty Hawk Newsletter
         a. "The Legal Stuff" -- based on the text on WS Page 2
         b. Description 
         c. Schedule
         d. Distribution
         e. Content Submissions
         f. Archives
      2. Region One Newsletter
         a. Description 
         b. Schedule
         c. Distribution
         d. Archives
      3. STARFLEET Communique
         a. Description 
         b. Schedule
         c. Distribution
         d. Archives
   H. Web Site (2)
      1. Structure
      2. Content Submissions

VII. STARFLEET International -- pull from SFI MHB (4)
   A. Basic Structure
   B. Philosophy of STARFLEET
   C. The Academy
   D. Disciplinary Procedures

VIII. Kitty Hawk Class Specifications -- see the "Kitty Hawk" category in
      the newsletter archive, and everything should be there to pick from
      (2; 2 more for ship elevations)

© 2024 U.S.S. Kitty Hawk
Star Trek and all related marks, logos, and characters are solely owned by CBS Studios, Inc. This fan organization
is not endorsed by, sponsored by, nor affiliated with CBS, Paramount Pictures, or any other Star Trek franchise.