With 31 votes received by 9-11-95 17:00 EST: WR: 25 RB: 6 Note: the two votes for allowing either were counted a 1/2 vote for each. This means that Metcalf will remain classified as a WR for the rest of the 1995 season. Allowing him to be both a RB and WR is not possible. The software allows one and only one position for each player. With everything I have going on, I don't have the huge amounts of time to spend on RAFFLE this year -- meaning anything that the software can't push out itself will probably not be done. (FFLM does a heck of a lot -- some of which I'm still learning -- so most requests can still be taken care of with little effort.) With luck things will slack off at work and the Site in another 4-6 weeks, but I'm moving in November resulting in an even busier time as that event gets closer.