NFL Scheduling -- Determining Opponents
(Starting with 2002 season)

This will be revised summer 2002 after the NFL releases its full scheduling formulae for the realignment. They've already agreed on two conferences with four divisions of four teams each.

All teams will go home-and-home with each team in the division (6 games); all teams in a division in the other conference (4 games); all teams in a division within the conference (4 games); and one game against the other like-placed teams in the conference's other two divisions (2 games). An example for the last part is the first-place team will play the other first-place teams, the second-place team will play the other second-place teams, etc.

With the addition of Cleveland as a new team and another probable new team in Los Angeles or Houston within five years, the individual team matchups across the divisions hasn't been published until mid-season. (The 1999 opponent grid wasn't announces until Nov '98.)

Divisional Games | Conference Games | Interconference Games

Division (8 games)

Each team plays a home-and-home with the other four teams in its division.

Conference (4 games)

Each team plays two games against the each of the other divisions in its conference. The teams played are determined by each teams' finish in the previous year.

           ------AFC------                   ------NFC------

     East    Home Odd   Home Even      East    Home Odd   Home Even
     ~~~~    ~~~~~~~~   ~~~~~~~~~      ~~~~    ~~~~~~~~   ~~~~~~~~~
       1      C1,W3       W1,C2          1      W1,C3       C1,W2
       2      W1,C2       W2,C4          2      C1,W2       C2,W4
       3      C3,W5       C1,W3          3      W3,C5       W1,C3
       4      W2,C4       W4,C5          4      C2,W4       C4,W5
       5      W4,C5       C3,W5          5      C4,W5       W3,C5

    Central  Home Odd   Home Even     Central  Home Odd   Home Even
    ~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~   ~~~~~~~~~     ~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~   ~~~~~~~~~
       1      W1,E3       E1,W2          1      E1,W3       W1,E2
       2      E1,W2       E2,W4          2      W1,E2       W2,E4
       3      W3,E5       W1,E3          3      E3,W5       E1,W3
       4      E2,W4       E4,W5          4      W2,E4       W4,E5
       5      E4,W5       W3,E5          5      W4,E5       E3,W5

     West    Home Odd   Home Even      West    Home Odd   Home Even
     ~~~~    ~~~~~~~~   ~~~~~~~~~      ~~~~    ~~~~~~~~   ~~~~~~~~~
       1      E1,C3       C1,E2          1      C1,E3       E1,C2
       2      C1,E2       C2,E4          2      E1,C2       E2,C4
       3      E3,C5       E1,C3          3      C3,E5       C1,E3
       4      C2,E4       C4,E5          4      E2,C4       E4,C5
       5      C4,E5       E3,C5          5      E4,C5       C3,E5

Interconference (4 games)

Each team plays four games against a selected division from the other conference. The teams played are determined by each teams' finish in the previous year.

Which division?

     Year      Divisions Playing Each Other
     ~~~~      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     1996      AFC-E & NFC-E, AFC-C & NFC-W, AFC-W & NFC-C
     1997      AFC-E & NFC-C, AFC-C & NFC-E, AFC-W & NFC-W
     1998      AFC-E & NFC-W, AFC-C & NFC-C, AFC-W & NFC-E
     1999      AFC-E & NFC-E, AFC-C & NFC-W, AFC-W & NFC-C

Which teams?

Starting with the 1998 season, the NFL now schedules these on a pure rotation -- no longer place-based.

Last Modifed: 03/02/2002
Football Site Owner: John Troan